Monday, 27 June 2011

Just trivia stuff

I don't know about you, but I remember odd things - and they kinda litter my head, fill up my brain and are not very useful in normal conversation (where, I might add, I feel compelled sometimes to strew them!)

So here goes. Random facts.

Magpies make nests with roofs. Their tails are so long that they make a front and back door to their nests so that they don't have to turn around in the nest to leave.

Everything in the universe within a very short time after the big bang was Hydrogen. Everything else (including us and our planet) was created inside stars. So that song that says, we are star dust, is absolutely correct.

Deer like clematis plants. (I only discovered this one yesterday.)

The Bay of Fundy has some of the highest tides in the world.

There are many right ways to do things. (And many wrong ways too.) Just because something is not done MY way, does not make it wrong automatically.

Just because an idea is not MY idea, does not make it a bad idea.

My computer is set for the Dvorak keyboard. This is a setting in the control panel. My keyboard LOOKS the same as yours (QWERTY) but when you press the key with an S on it on my keyboard, the screen types an O. Supposed to be faster and better for your hands - I can type about 85 words a minute when I have been typing a lot, on the Dvorak keyboard. There is a good article on Wikipedia on the Dvorak keyboard. It took me about 6 weeks to train myself to type on it. I went from 75 words a minute to 7, the first day. Oh, and now I can't touch type on the QWERTY keyboard - I have to look at my hands - and I can only type about 40 wpm - I find it very frustrating, and will, if possible change the settings to allow myself to use the Dvorak keyboard. I can ONLY touch type. Looking at my hands is no use at all! :-)

When I changed from QWERTY to Dvorak I discovered that I didn't actually type letter by letter. I actually had the patterns of the words in my head somewhere. I had to relearn those patterns when I switched. THE thing that was hardest to unlearn and relearn? Keyboard shortcuts. And URLs - I still, occasionally try to type www using the key that has a w on it - which is actually punctuation in Dvorak - a comma.

Lowe's Building Supplies (the American website) have some of the best How-To videos I have ever seen! We learned how to build a deck on their site.

Deer love tulips. They will even dig up the bulbs and eat them. Daffodils, on the other hand, grow wild in Nova Scotia. If a plant grows in the wild, there is a good chance that the deer can't or won't eat them. They either taste bad or are poisonous.

Well, this isn't all. But I can't empty my head all in one fell swoop, apparently. There may or may not be more random facts at some point in the future!

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