Do you have problems finishing what you
start? Do you have zillions of UFOs (UnFinished Objects) or WIPs
(Works In Progress) or PHDs (Projects Half Done)? Do you start
something and then run out of steam OR decide that you don't like it
partway through? Or do you get distracted by something new? (Oooo,
I love quilting and it is a rare thing
that I start something and get partway through to decide that I
don't like it (although that happened with the bags I designed this
year, but I think that was because I have made 44 of them... and
still have 2 on order!) I do, however, frequently wish something was
done so that I could start something else! So I have come up with a
way to 'solve' this. It might help you, so I thought I would share...
So I feel it is helpful to set a goal.
So let's say it is, Finish something!
I have read lots of organization books
- you know, the kind that tell you how to solve all your housekeeping
problems - and they seem to focus on two main things (after the goal
setting process.) You either are overwhelmed by the entire task of
doing whatever it is you need to do. Or you are so focused on doing
it perfectly that you are kind of paralyzed - too afraid to start
because you know you can't do it perfectly... (Or in the case of
quilting, maybe you start, but you don't finish because those points
in that block are not exactly right!) I've written a musing on
perfection so I am going to pass on my motto, as I feel it bears
repeating, and then head back to point one. "Better Finished
than Perfect!"
These same self-help books suggest that
breaking an overwhelming project down into separate tasks is helpful.
I also find that a LIST is helpful. I find a list particularly useful
when the thing that I am doing is something unpleasant, as I might be
able to trick myself into getting something done, simply for the
pleasure that I get by crossing something off the list. I have
highlighters in different colours and I find a list that has lots of
colour on it VERY satisfying... (A list also focuses me on the task
so I don't get sidetracked into doing something else. It makes it
apparent WHERE I am and what I need to do next!)
Back to quilting! How, you ask, is this
going to help you finish something? Well! Let me make a suggestion.
Get TWO things out that you would like to finish. Get TWO pieces of
paper. At the top of each piece of paper write the name of the
project - Blue and Brown Quilt and Batik Placemats for example. Take
a few minutes and figure out what has to be done to finish each
project. The Blue and Brown Quilt might just be at the pile of fabric
stage; so labeling, cutting, piecing, layout, etc. etc. And perhaps
the place mats need to be sandwiched and quilted; so cut the backing,
cut the batting, chose the quilting pattern, pick out the thread,
quilt, make the binding, etc. Make TWO lists. Post the lists some
place where you can see them.
Do one thing on one of the lists. Cross
it off with a highlighter. (If you find that it is taking you too
long to complete something on your list, maybe you didn't write down
enough steps. Break the task into smaller steps!) If you are having
fun with that project, you can do the next step on that list too, but
don't get too gungho about one list - do something on the other one
too! Alternate the lists, use lots of pretty colours with your
highlighters, and get TWO projects finished for the price of one!!
When I make bags, I use the second
project as a reward for finishing the next step in the bags that I
have on order!! This way, I make progress on two things and I enjoy
the anticipation of the next step on a new project, whilst reveling
in the pleasure of finishing a step on something that needs to be
done too!! So whatever trick you have up your sleeve, enjoy the
process! I hope these tricks help you, and really, really, do
remember, "Better Finished than Perfect!"